On peut distinguer deux mondes dans la chirurgie. L'un est très masculin et incontournable car il joue un rôle essentiel dans la formation à la chirurgie. D'autres spécialités les acceptent volontiers et sont de ce fait plus féminisées.
Pour se représenter la place des femmes, pour les rejeter ou les dissuader, les hommes et aussi certaines femmes s'appuient sur une représentation traditionnelle et peu progressiste du rôle social que les femmes auraient vocation à jouer dans la famille mais aussi dans la société.
S'il apparaît que le monde chirurgien est à majorité masculin, s'il se présente et représente comme tel, il existe néanmoins un monde féminin de la chirurgie (certaines spécialités sont en majorité investies par les femmes).
Les deux mondes (masculin et féminin) ne s'organisent pas de la même manière en terme notamment de temps de travail contraint, ce qui est déterminant pour la place des femmes.
Women and surgery: diversity in the spheres of socialization
We can distinguish two parts in the surgery world. The first one is a traditional group, which is inescapable as it is the more important one for apprenticeship. They are readily accepted by the other areas of specialization.
The first sphere, that of traditional surgery, is pivotal as it is there that the training takes place. In other specialities an alternative ethos more open to women is to be found, though their access is not immediate. Given the forms of a training period that includes a modern version of trade guilds, the reception of students, be they non-resident students or house doctors, and the interaction with senior physicians play an essential part on their desire to become surgeons.
In order to conceive the position of women, to reject or deter them, men and also a few women lean on a traditional and hardly progressive representation of the social role which women are allegedly destined to play in the family circle but also in society as a whole.
If the world of surgery appears to be a mostly masculine world, and if it presents and represents itself as such, there is yet a feminine world of surgery (some areas of medical specialization are invested mostly by women).
The two worlds (the masculine and the feminine ones) are not organized in the same way, especially in terms of forced labour, which is a determining factor for the position of women.